The impact of coaching, and it's distinction from mentoring

Coaching is simply a conversation between two people. When done right, it should feel like the best conversation about you that you’ve ever had. Here’s how it works – and why accredited coach Liz Whitney thinks it’s the future of work.
2 mins

Key Takeaways


A good coach will help you unlock your potential by questioning and listening to what you’re saying. With time, this will help you take ownership of your goals, and gain more control and confidence over your own future.


A coach is different to a mentor because they are not necessarily a subject matter expert in your industry or craft. Whereas a mentor will provide concrete answers based on their own experience of the issue, a coach believes that you have the solution to your problem, and will work with you to find it.


Coaching can be transformative because it raises your awareness. Once you’ve realised what you need to change, you rely less on other people and gain more confidence in solving the problem for yourself.


If you’re in a position of leadership, it’s even more important to make time for self-reflection. The way you behave and act has a greater impact on more people, so by seeking help for yourself, you’re helping countless others in the process.

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