Course Pack: Managing Up

These curated resources, many referenced in our Managing Up course, will help you to dig deeper into the topic and revisit some of the key ideas and framing. We've shared the workshop slides too, for those planning to replay and share what was covered among their teams. Embed your learning by sharing it with others!

Resources and recommended reading

Practical tactics for Managing Up, each of which you can experiment with today.

Find them here


Shared on The Idealist, some helpful do's and don't for managing upwards:

Read on here.


And an interesting piece to build on the above, and taking into consideration aspects of emotional intelligence at Culture Amp.

Read the piece here.


Sarah Wood's great, practical guide to modern management — Stepping Up — has some great insights around communication in all directions at work.

More on the book here.


And there's a bitesize film with Sarah here.


A 'special series' on the topic, from 2015 and Harvard Business Review has some interesting, and in-depth, insights.

That's here.

More Resources