Topic: Micro-habits
We often think that meaningful change comes from deciding on (and then smartly defining) big goals. But the science shows that what we really need is a system of small habits that over time compound to drive us forward. Because when we get our system of habits down, the goals take care of themselves.
We can think of habits as routines, or rituals, that get performed regularly. If goals (which we can often get bogged down in) are the results we've decided we want to achieve, our system of habits are what will get us there. When we meaningful making the link in our minds between goals and habits, we set us up for measurable success — whether we're trying to get fitter, or get promoted.
Core content covered:
• The peril of goals, and the power of habits
• Beating a lack of willpower
• Habit stacking
• The EAST framework
• Hacking our environment
• The role of others in our change
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