Topic: Making Time
Perhaps our most precious resource, time is so often something we don't use with intention or protect with purpose. But there are a programme of tools and techniques proven to up our energy, give us more control, and inspire the confidence that we're wisely investing the finite time we have each day.
Time Awareness is always the best starting point; before defining the different kinds of tasks we could be allocating time too and then blocking it out creatively. When we reframe the ideas of efficiency and effectiveness, deal with distractions and become fanatical about focus — we can feel on top of our workload, less stressed about deadlines and more in control of the finite time we all have.
Core content covered:
• Purposefully prioritising
• Time-boxing and Time-blocking
• Practical steps for boosting our energy
• From FOMO to JOMO
• Urgency Vs Importance mapping
• Protecting our time from others
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