Topic: Creative Thinking

Despite the commonly heard refrain 'I'm not creative', the reality is that creative thinking is simply thinking differently, something which we can all definitely do. And in modern, inclusive teams enabling and harnessing everyone’s input is mission critical — so that ideas are free to emerge from everywhere.

To make this happen, everyone needs access to practical, playful tools for thinking clearly, creatively and critically — and the confidence to flex them individually and collectively in relation to any kind of challenge or opportunity.

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Workshop prompts + resources snapshot

Core content covered:

• 'Yes and' thinking
• The art of reframing
• Visual tools for rapid idea generation
• The right questions and when to ask them
• The power of Who
• The art of making connections

Creative Thinking: Curated Resources
Creative Thinking: Curated Resources

Delve into some of the thinking, sources and resources that support and shape our workshops, pathways and tools on this topic — openly shared, and regularly updated here.

See the resources

Build this skill in your team

How we can help

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Live workshops

Delivered in-person, virtually or hybrid — our expert facilitators will engage and energise your team around the topic, enabling them to collaboratively apply things to what's real for them right now.

Timely tools

Bitesize digital and physical tools keep core concepts covered in minds, hands and conversations — all within the flow of work.