Neuro Blow

Neuroinclusive Management

Enabling managers to enable their teams

We equip your people-managers with practical behavioural know-how to confidently handle increasingly necessary conversations around difference, adjustments and disclosure in their teams — covering the legal dimensions at play too. A neuroinclusive, strengths-based approach to managing teams ensures that no mind is left behind.

Neuroinclusive Manager Training
Neuroinclusive Manager Training

Managers are on the frontline of neuroinclusive cultures, with the power to create neuroinclusion at the relational level. Our blended training programme empowers managers to lead from a position of 'respectful curiosity'; taking strengths based approaches, being more intentional in their communication, proactive in their approach to adjustments, and supersizing the ways they set everyone up for success.

Blended, brain-friendly and brilliant

How our Neuroinclusive Manager training is delivered

Immersive, collaborative workshops

Delivered virtually or in-person, and either directly to your managers or among cohorts of peers from other partners.

Self directed eCourses + resources

Managers work through self-led pathways combining filmed expert-led first-person perspectives and tools to test in their teams.

A learning library of manager resources
A learning library of manager resources

Our partners' managers have ongoing access to libraries of bitesize eCourses and resources to support a neuroinclusive approach in the flow of work. First-person video, tools and scenario-led how-to's are combined with conversation guides and exercises to take away and talk about in teams. And our ongoing community of practice offers managers spaces to connect with peers around common challenges and opportunities.

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The opportunity for neuroinclusive leadership

In the short film below, Lexi Keegan (a researcher at the Department for Transport) discusses, with Dr Anne Cockayne (an HR and neurodiversity specialist), her experience of neurodivergence at work, the power of strengths-based approaches and how conversations around communication preferences help teams to perform. Anne and Lexi are also mother and daughter.

Real-world scenarios are examined throughout the manager programme