Module: Feedback in the Flow
The modern manager should be able to frequently provide actionable feedback; both appreciatively on what's working well, and developmentally where around growth opportunities. And this should happen in the flow of work — descriptively, specifically and with an everyday coaching approach.
And while confidently offering feedback in all directions, we should be deliberate about pulling in the feedback we need — both for our own continuous development as managers, and to model the positive behaviours we’re encouraging in others.
The mindsets and tools shared in this module help managers to quickly make a habit of giving and getting performance-enhancing feedback in the moments that matter most.
Learning outcomes
• Defining the blockers to feedback flowing in key relationships
• Separating appreciative and developmental feedback
• Mastery of the BID model (Behaviour > Impact > Dialogue/Do)
• Ability to pull in the specific feedback needed as managers
• Awareness of emotional triggers and how to manage them
Builds on:
• The concept of coachable moments and how to enable within them
• How an everyday coaching approach helps to pull in feedback
• The right coaching questions to ask when offering feedback
• The Directive mode, and its use for providing ‘non-negotiable’ feedback